Clinician Spotlight: Abigail Serafin, MSW, LSW
CCP is excited to welcome Abigail Serafin, MSW, LSW to our clinical team! Abigail works with individual adults and couples and specializes in sex therapy, somatic therapy, and working with the LGBTQIA+ population. She is currently accepting new clients both virtually and in-person in our Ravenswood office. Reach out today!

Self-Care Toolkit: Remember to Breathe
We breathe in and out thousands of time each day without thinking about it. But did you know that the simple act of paying attention to your breathing in stressful moments is scientifically proven to quiet the busyness of our minds and relax our bodies?

How to Obtain Gender Affirming Surgery as an Adult in Illinois
So you’re an adult living in Illinois who’s ready to move forward with gender affirming surgery but you don't know where to start. Does this sound like you? If so, no worries! CCP is here to help you through it one step at a time.

The Physiology of Hope
Could the power of hope alone be enough to save your life? According to the science, yes!

10 Free Ebooks for Getting Free
“Ten Free Ebooks for Getting Free” from Haymarket Books

In Consideration of Alternative Celebrations on Veterans Day
Recently, the parent of a former CCP client shared with me their heartfelt email response to their child's school around the topic of elementary school classroom Veterans Day celebrations, and I felt compelled to share it here with our community.

Managing Election Anxiety
We’re all feeling it. Here’s what we can do about it.

Self-Care Toolkit: Treat Yourself
TREAT YOSELF! That’s it. That’s the post.

Lying, Stealing & Dopamine
The connection between dopamine and lying or stealing is linked to the brain's reward system. By learning more about how this system operates and can dictate behavior, we can learn to take better control of our choices and actions.

Welcome, CCP Interns!
Join us in welcoming Quinn Pennington (they/them) & Hannah Samaha (she/her), CCP's new psychotherapy interns!

Self-Care Toolkit: Glimmers
Glimmers are micro-moments of goodness that help our body to restore to our thriving state of being. How many glimmers can you spot today?

Polyvagal Theory 101
✨ Polyvagal Theory helps normalize our most core human protective responses—allowing us to move past shame and into understanding, acceptance, and increased agency and choice. ✨

Debunking Common ADHD & Autism Myths
Shedding light on some of the most common ADHD and Autism myths & replacing them with accurate information in hope of fostering a deeper understanding of these complex neurological conditions.

Self-Care Toolkit: Foundations
Learn how to expand your "self-care toolkit" = you’ll feel more confident coping with stressors and challenges, improve your overall well-being, and unlock new levels of personal growth. ✌🏼

Welcome to the CCP Gazette!
Welcome! We’re excited to bring you weekly insights, helpful therapeutic skills & tools, updates on the latest neuroscience and mindfulness research, and more!